Test di competenza
Forse lo sapete già cmq riporto un estratto di un PDF su CAST27. Si tratta di un documento reperibile per intero all'indirizzo:
1. In order to appear in the final database, all candidates must pass a series of tests:
• aptitude to verbal reasoning (20 multiple choice questions) and to numerical
reasoning (10 multiple choice questions - on-line calculator available); time
allowed 30 minutes and 20 minutes respectively;
• knowledge of the European Union (25 Multiple choice questions); time allowed
20 minutes;
• specific knowledge (in the area of interest indicated by the candidate in the
Application form).
2. Candidates for most profiles will only pass the reasoning and E.U. knowledge tests in
the first phase (by CBT – Computer Based Tests); candidates will be called for the
specific knowledge tests at a later stage.
As an exception to this general rule, candidates having chosen one of the 10 profiles
listed below will pass all the tests at the same time in this phase (specific knowledge test:
40 multiple choice questions; time allowed 40 minutes).
Profiles passing the Specific knowledge test at the same time as the other tests
Function group II - Human Resources/Clerical Assistant
Function group II - ICT (Information and Communications Technology) Assistant
Function group II - Financial Assistant
Function group II – Secretary
Function group III – Human Resources Officer
Function group III – ICT (Information and Communications Technology) Officer
Function group III – Finance/Accounts Officer
Function group III – Administrative Officer
Function group IV – ICT (Information and Communications Technology) Adviser
Function group IV – Economics/Finance/Contracts Adviser
Forse lo sapete già cmq riporto un estratto di un PDF su CAST27. Si tratta di un documento reperibile per intero all'indirizzo:
1. In order to appear in the final database, all candidates must pass a series of tests:
• aptitude to verbal reasoning (20 multiple choice questions) and to numerical
reasoning (10 multiple choice questions - on-line calculator available); time
allowed 30 minutes and 20 minutes respectively;
• knowledge of the European Union (25 Multiple choice questions); time allowed
20 minutes;
• specific knowledge (in the area of interest indicated by the candidate in the
Application form).
2. Candidates for most profiles will only pass the reasoning and E.U. knowledge tests in
the first phase (by CBT – Computer Based Tests); candidates will be called for the
specific knowledge tests at a later stage.
As an exception to this general rule, candidates having chosen one of the 10 profiles
listed below will pass all the tests at the same time in this phase (specific knowledge test:
40 multiple choice questions; time allowed 40 minutes).
Profiles passing the Specific knowledge test at the same time as the other tests
Function group II - Human Resources/Clerical Assistant
Function group II - ICT (Information and Communications Technology) Assistant
Function group II - Financial Assistant
Function group II – Secretary
Function group III – Human Resources Officer
Function group III – ICT (Information and Communications Technology) Officer
Function group III – Finance/Accounts Officer
Function group III – Administrative Officer
Function group IV – ICT (Information and Communications Technology) Adviser
Function group IV – Economics/Finance/Contracts Adviser