Originariamente inviato da Dante K
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Ci sono altri enti molto piu rapidi nelle procedure di selezione... ovviamente data la differenza nel numero dei candidati... ci sono enti che convocano a scritto e orale entro 3 settimane dalla scadenza del bando in GUCE, altri che mandano la letterina di non ammissione ancor prima della scadenza del termine per inviare le candidature...

Per quanto riguarda Epso, per chi non avesse notato la soppressione per il 2009 dei concorsi AST3 financial management e AD5 Public Administration (che dovrebbero saltare al 2010), copio e incollo quanto segue:
NEW: As has been announced, EPSO is progressively implementing its development plans to modernise and streamline the structure of selection competitions. From March 2010,
competitions will be organised in annual cycles: beginning each March for linguists, each September for administrators and each December for assistants. These modernised
competitions will be much shorter in duration– typically just 5-9 months from start to finish (depending on the number of applicants). To achieve a smooth transition of operations from
the current pattern to the annual cycles commencing next March, EPSO is postponing publication of a number of competitions that had been provisionally planned for the coming
months, so that they may instead be included in the (shorter duration) annual cycles. The indicative forward planning we are publishing today covers all ongoing competitions, and those
indicative forward planning covering the annual cycles of competitions which begin in 2010 will be published in the autumn.