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epso AD 2013

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    epso AD 2013

    Follow up to "General Court judgement in the case T-361/10 P Pachtitis
    In 2010 participants in the open competitions EPSO/AD/177/10, EPSO/AD/178/10 (Librarians) and EPSO/AD/179/10 (Audiovisual), received an undertaking from the European Institutions by way of EPSO's Management Board that should the ruling F-35/08, Pachtitis/Commission of 15 June 2010 be confirmed on appeal all candidates excluded from those competitions on the basis of their results in the admission tests would be invited to new tests in a subsequent competition. The aim was to protect the candidates' interests, who, in this way, would not need to introduce complaints or appeals on the same grounds upheld by the Civil Service Tribunal in the above case.
    At the end of 2011 the General Court issued the confirmatory ruling above which upheld the initial position of the Tribunal.
    To honour their undertaking, the Institutions, via EPSO's Management Board, have decided that in 2013
    • the AD5 generalist cycle will be replaced with an AD5 competition organised for the candidates unsuccessful at the pre-selection stage of the EPSO/AD/177/10 competition, and will include the same five profiles as for that competition (European Public Administration, Law, Economics, Audit and ICT).
    • Similarly, for the EPSO/AD/178/10 (AD5 Librarians) and EPSO/AD/179/10 (AD5 Audiovisual), a new selection will also be organised.

    In all cases the number of successful candidates will be adjusted proportionately to offer broadly the same chance of success as in the original selections.
    It is important to note that all EU Careers selection procedures which have commenced since the original judgment (F-35/08, Pachtitis/Commission of 15 June 2010) have been structured to take account of that ruling.
    Candidates affected will be informed individually via their EPSO account in the coming weeks.

    Chi può partecipare
    Solo quelli che hanno partecipato alla stessa competizione nel 2010 e che NON
    sono stati ammessi all'AC. Chi ha questi requisiti ha ricevuto comunicazione direttamente nel proprio account Epso.

    The number of eligible candidates to this re-run in 2013 (per profile) is :
    EPA 21.198 – LAW 4.914 – ECO 4.317 – AUDIT 1.963 – ICT 3.962

    Provisional planning of the competition procedure (updated on 19/04/2013)
    Registration period: 21/3/2013 – 23/4/2013
    Booking for admission tests: 03/05/2013 – 16/05/2013
    Admission tests’ period: 22/05/2013 – 18/06/2013

    Number of successful candidates by field:
    2. LAW = 43
    3. ECONOMICS = 39
    4. AUDIT = 64

    Lingua dei CBT (Test preselettivi)
    Nella seconda lingua scelta (EN-FR-DE)

    Ultimo Update

    Ultima modifica di Oniz; 13-05-2013, 10:32.

    Ragazzi (kaprot, pit etc.) per mancanza di tempo mia, vi ho persi di vista, ma spero siate sempre nel forum.
    Ho postato questo avviso, non so se ho capito bene, ma il prossimo AD è riservato agli iscritti ai concorsi su indicati del 2010.
    Che ne pensate?
    Non ho letto la sentenza e non conosco i motivi, forse voi che bazzzicate Bruxelles siete più informati.


      per chi volesse approfondire:

      62008W0035: Sentenza del Tribunale della funzione pubblica (Prima Sezione) del


        Originariamente inviato da eco Visualizza il messaggio
        Ragazzi (kaprot, pit etc.) per mancanza di tempo mia, vi ho persi di vista, ma spero siate sempre nel forum.
        Ho postato questo avviso, non so se ho capito bene, ma il prossimo AD è riservato agli iscritti ai concorsi su indicati del 2010.
        Che ne pensate?
        Non ho letto la sentenza e non conosco i motivi, forse voi che bazzzicate Bruxelles siete più informati.
        Ciao eco,

        non avevo visto questa discussione perchè non è nella sezione "concorsi europei".

        La sentenza è arrivata mentre era in corso il concorso AD del 2010 e Epso, per evitare una valanga di ricorsi, aveva comunicato ai concorrenti che avrebbe organizzato una nuova selezione riservata a chi era iscritto a quel concorso. Ora mantiene la promessa (a discapito però di tutti gli altri, avendo di fatto annullato la selezione ordinaria per AD del 2013).


          Originariamente inviato da pit Visualizza il messaggio
          a discapito però di tutti gli altri, avendo di fatto annullato la selezione ordinaria per AD del 2013
          le buone notizie si susseguono!


            dal sito di eu training, ripete le stesse cose che ci siamo già detti sul caso pachititis, ma più in sintesi:

            The Pachtitis-case and the 2010-2013 EU exams: what all applicants need to know

            The Pachtitis-case and the 2010-2013 EU exams: what all applicants need to know

            Some EPSO exam candidates might have heard the name of 2010 Administrator (AD) exam applicant, Dimitrios Pachtitis. Mr. Pachtitis is the candidate who successfully challenged EPSO’s pre-selection method by highlighting the "mis-allocation of competences" among the selection bodies, challenging what was EPSO's and the Selection Board's responsibilities. The outcome of this legal battle affects all EU exam candidates who applied for the general AD competition in 2010 or everyone who plans to apply in 2013.
            Online EU Training now provides a quick analysis of the events and on what EPSO is planning to do.

            What happened?

            The Pachtitis case centred around EPSO’s competence to administer pre-selection tests. In its judgment, the Civil Service Tribunal (and the General Court, which recently confirmed the Tribunal’s judgment) criticised EPSO’s pre-selection method (also) used in the 2010 AD competition on the basis of mis-allocation of competences between EPSO and the Selection Board. In essence, the Tribunal said that it is the Selection Board and not EPSO that has the authority and responsibility to administer the pre-selection phase of the exam.
            Shortly after the Tribunal voiced its criticism, EPSO announced that all candidates excluded from the 2010 AD competitions on the basis of their results in the pre-selection tests would be invited to new tests in a subsequent competition.

            What does it mean for the 2010 AD candidates?

            Now that the General Court confirmed the Tribunal’s ruling, EPSO re-affirmed its pledge to allow participants of the 2010 general AD5 level Administrator competitions to re-take their exams in 2013.
            It seems from EPSO’s brief announcement that only candidates excluded in the pre-selection phase of the 2010 exam will be allowed to re-take their tests, meaning that candidates excluded in the Assessment Centre phase will probably not be allowed to re-take the exam.
            This nevertheless affects approximately 50,000 candidates, many of whom may not be interested in taking an EU recruitment exam anymore. As the number of places on the reserve list is going to be proportional to the figures of the 2010 AD exam, those who decide to re-take the exam will likely have much better chances to succeed.
            Repeated competitions are: EPSO/AD/177/10 (European Public Administration, Law, Economics, Audit and ICT), EPSO/AD/178/10 (Librarians) and EPSO/AD/179/10 (Audiovisual).

            What does it mean for AD5 candidates planning to apply in 2013?

            The bad news for those planning to apply in 2013 is that next year’s generalist Administrator exam is planned to be replaced with the repeated AD5 competition organised for candidates unsuccessful in 2010. Although nothing is certain yet, it seems that EPSO will not run an AD5 generalist cycle in 2013 that would be open to the general public.
            However, our understanding is that the issue only concerns the generalist AD5 competition, i.e., generalist AD7 competition, which might run in parallel with the repeated AD5 competition, and/or various other specialist competitions will likely be organised "as ususal" in 2013.

            Is EPSO planning to re-organise any other exam (other than the 2010 AD competition)?

            No. All exams administered by EPSO after the generalist Administrator (AD) in 2010 have been adjusted to reflect the requirements set out in the Pachtitis decision.

            Note: All information contained herein is based on information released by EPSO and/or the Court of Justice of the European Union. Please note that only limited information is available at this stage, thus we cannot guarantee that EPSO will do what is described in the summary above. We will nevertheless update this post or publish new ones when further information is disclosed.


              hanno bandito il nuovo concorso generale AD:
              EPSO Apply Homepage
              non mi pare ci siano restrizioni particolari


                Originariamente inviato da eco Visualizza il messaggio
                hanno bandito il nuovo concorso generale AD:
                EPSO Apply Homepage
                non mi pare ci siano restrizioni particolari
                le restrizioni (se ci saranno) saranno per il concorso AD del 2013, non per questo appena uscito.


                  External Relatiosn?

                  Originariamente inviato da eco Visualizza il messaggio
                  Follow up to "General Court judgement in the case T-361/10 P Pachtitis
                  In 2010 participants in the open competitions EPSO/AD/177/10, EPSO/AD/178/10 (Librarians) and EPSO/AD/179/10 (Audiovisual), received an undertaking from the European Institutions by way of EPSO's Management Board that should the ruling F-35/08, Pachtitis/Commission of 15 June 2010 be confirmed on appeal all candidates excluded from those competitions on the basis of their results in the admission tests would be invited to new tests in a subsequent competition. The aim was to protect the candidates' interests, who, in this way, would not need to introduce complaints or appeals on the same grounds upheld by the Civil Service Tribunal in the above case.
                  At the end of 2011 the General Court issued the confirmatory ruling above which upheld the initial position of the Tribunal.
                  To honour their undertaking, the Institutions, via EPSO's Management Board, have decided that in 2013
                  • the AD5 generalist cycle will be replaced with an AD5 competition organised for the candidates unsuccessful at the pre-selection stage of the EPSO/AD/177/10 competition, and will include the same five profiles as for that competition (European Public Administration, Law, Economics, Audit and ICT).
                  • Similarly, for the EPSO/AD/178/10 (AD5 Librarians) and EPSO/AD/179/10 (AD5 Audiovisual), a new selection will also be organised.

                  In all cases the number of successful candidates will be adjusted proportionately to offer broadly the same chance of success as in the original selections.
                  It is important to note that all EU Careers selection procedures which have commenced since the original judgment (F-35/08, Pachtitis/Commission of 15 June 2010) have been structured to take account of that ruling.
                  Candidates affected will be informed individually via their EPSO account in the coming weeks.
                  Ciao a tutti,
                  qualcuno ha idea di cosa succeda per le external relations nel 2013? Questa categoria non esisteva nel 2010 quando c'è stato il caso in questione....
                  significa che l'AD5 per external relations si farà o ancora non ci sono notizie?

                  Spero qualcuno ne sappia qualcosa.



                    Originariamente inviato da giusdp80 Visualizza il messaggio
                    Ciao a tutti,
                    qualcuno ha idea di cosa succeda per le external relations nel 2013? Questa categoria non esisteva nel 2010 quando c'è stato il caso in questione....
                    significa che l'AD5 per external relations si farà o ancora non ci sono notizie?

                    Spero qualcuno ne sappia qualcosa.

                    Ciao Giuseppe,

                    Epso non ha alcun obbligo di bandire annualmente un concorso per tutti i profili, la scelta di numero di posti e field dipende dal fabbisogno delle singole istituzioni. Per il 2013 quello che è certo è che il ciclo ordinario AD5 sarà riservato a chi ha già partecipato ai CBT (ma non all'AC) nel 2010, mi sembra quindi improbabile che venga aggiunto il profilo external relations. Ci potrebbe essere la possibilità che venga aggiunto un concorso per AD7 aperto a tutti ma al momento non ci sono informazioni precise. Bisognerà aspettare i primi mesi del 2013 per saperne di più.


                    Sto operando...