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Epso ast2011 (ast1 + ast3)
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" Doesn't really look like the one EPSO presented me on Monday"
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io non l'ho ancora provato, ma in mancanza di altre possibilità di esercitarsi, pourquoi-pas!
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Salve a tutti,
sono nuovo nel forum e per presentarmi vorrei condividere con voi l'esercizio del case study che ho fatto sulla base dell'esempio riportato sul sito EPSO
Anche se riguarda il concorso Admin, penso che sia valido anche per AST3.
Di seguito il testo da me sviluppato con in fondo alcuni auto-consigli che mi sono dato dopo che sono andato a riverderlo.
Sarei felice di avere i vostri feedback, e se qualcuno avesse altro materiale da condividere sarei altrettanto felice.
Buona giornata a tutti
Case study – time allowed 1 hour and 30 minutes
1 – Executive summary with key issues observed in the Balkan Region
The European Reconstruction and Development Office was established in 200X-8 to respond to the needs of the Balkan Region following the conflict in the Former-Yugoslavia.
Nowadays over 90% of its investment portfolio (Euro 2.85 billion) has been contracted. The focus of the office has gradually moved from emergency to project development in all areas of public and business life.
The funding comes from grants through the “Community Assistance for Reconstruction, Development and Stabilization” and the “Investment for Pre-Accession Assistance”; attracting direct foreign investment is also fundamental. The ERDO adopts a unique approach, which includes being fast and flexible, based in the field, encouraging ownership, and many other aspects. There is a strong attention to reforms to improve everyday life of thousands of people.
In the Balkan Region, although there were some success stories, in some other cases money were not allocated where they were supposed to or staff was changed resulting in a partial or near complete failure of some projects.
2 - Potential solutions for key problems in the Balkan Region
In order to improve project delivery, iti is desirable that in the future there is a better flow of information between central and local authorities so that the former are continuously informed about what is going on in the field.
It is also advisable that monitoring is regularly conducted for the distribution and the evaluation of equipment and infrastructure in order to make the budget more transparent and better controlled.
Project formulation should be more considerate of the context and of the possible risks in the implementation and propose solutions to mitigate them, as for example how to reduce the risk of staff shuffles.
3 – Longer term recommendations, taking into account different parties involved
The Balkan Region faces various challenges for the future. I would recommend the following to overcome them:
- sustainability. It is necessary to involve local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in project formulation and implementation. Their ownership of the project will be fundamental to have local demand-driven activities and to increase their commitment. Their contribution is important to define a sustainable plan. Facilitation of trade opportunities in the region is also necessary to achieve sustainability.
- support from local, regional and national authorities. The projects need to build the capacity of the staff within the institutions, rather than only involving consulting firms, to create a supporting centralized authority. It also needs to fight against corruption, which is still perceived to be at a high level in the region (see annex I), and to reduce political weakness;
- project focus. In order to develop projects with a better focus, it is important: to involve experts in the formulation phase and from the project outset; to fine-tune the budget at all levels;
- alignment of projects. To increase the efficiency of the projects it is utmost that these are more aligned to the EC’s annual programme objectives, investments are more aligned to institution-building objectives, and the donors’ objectives are more aligned to the respective local strategic priorities;
- coordination. It is important to improve coordination among donors in order to make it more efficient and effective (an example of efforts made in this direction is given in the press release) and in order to avoid conflicts (annex II shows past contributions from various donors; these could be joint in the future).
4 – Suggestions to improve the audit process
In order to improve future audit processes, it is important to work on the following aspects:
- planning. Plan an audit when projects are complete and when offices that receive the audit do not have any other major commitment;
- staffing. Delegations should be well staffed in order to prepare and respond appropriately to audit missions;
- preparation of documents and exchange of information. It is fundamental to collect baseline statistical data and to improve the collection and the quality of performance indicators to measure the project against its objectives and to measure its impact. All relevant documents must be shared with the European Commission HeadQuarters and with the central authorities in the country when appropriate.
Breakdown of time it took me:
1 hour and 20 minutes – reading and writing a draft
55 minutes – writing the final document
Total time: 2 hours and 15 minutes
Suggestions for improvement:
- point 1 is an executive summary so it should list all the issues detailed under point 2, 3 and 4 without going into details.
- Point 2 and 3 sound very similar questions.
o Point 2 could include all the recommendations and point 3 could focus on some of those in particular, as point 3 is supposed to give specific recommendations (they must be longer term, the must take into account the different parties involved)
o Alternatively point 2 could focus on some recommendations with reference to the text and point 3 could focus on some other recommendations with reference to my views. After all under point 2 I am supposed to say what potential solutions I see (where the verb “to see” suggests a reference to the text itself and not the my view), whilst under point 3 I am supposed to give my recommendations, i.e. my views.