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selezione astronauti per la missione mars-one

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    selezione astronauti per la missione mars-one

    In questi giorni la società mars_one ha reso noti i requisiti di base per la selezione dei futuri astronauti, un processo di selezione mondiale che avrà inizio nella prima metà di quest'anno

    Mars One accepts applicants from any country in the world. Applications will be made available in several languages. The official language will be English. Nevertheless, when a candidate applies for the selection program, it is not necessary for him or her to possess an extensive knowledge of English: we will provide candidates with documentation in different languages. As applicants progress through the selection procedure, requirements on their english skills will increase.

    The astronaut selection program will start in the first half of 2013. Receive updates and announcements regarding the Astronaut Application Program and selection criteria.

    What are the qualifications to apply? - Mars One

    Astronaut Application Updates
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