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Epso/ad/177/10 - law (ad5) ‎

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    Beh, non l'ho guardato nel dettaglio, ma anche se il contenuto è audit-oriented, la struttura suppongo sia la stessa. Cioè, da una serie di documenti destrutturati (mail, articoli, appunti del tuo capo, ecc.) devi portare a termine il compito che ti viene dato.
    A me la cosa incuriosisce parecchio... peccato che per un punto devo aspettare la prossima occasione


      Se a gennaio non comunicano, come anticipato a suo tempo, che sarà pubblicato un bando per una sessione "di ripescaggio" del concorso AD 2010, prevedo una pioggia di ricorsi ex art. 90...

      General Court judgement in the case T-361/10 P Pachtitis

      On 15 June 2010 the Civil Service Tribunal gave judgment in Case F-35/08 Pachtitis v Commission, in favour of Mr. Pachtitis, a candidate in a competition organised in 2006/7 to establish a reserve list of Greek translators (AD5).

      Mr. Pachtitis successfully argued that he should not have been excluded from the competition on the basis of his results in the pre-selection test, exclusively defined by EPSO for that particular competition, without any involvement of the selection board. Indeed, the cornerstone of Mr. Pachtitis' case was an interpretation of Annex III of the Staff Regulations which led the Tribunal to conclude that only the selection board, and not EPSO, has the power to determine the content of questions for pre-selection tests. The decision excluding him from the main part of the competition was therefore declared invalid.

      The Commission appealed against the judgement.

      On the 14th December 2011 the General Court delivered its judgment on the appeal case (T-361/10 P) and confirmed the interpretation of the Civil Service Tribunal whereby the Staff Regulations do not sufficiently clarify EPSO's role in the context of computer based testing (CBT).

      The Commission will carefully analyse the judgment in order to identify the necessary measures for implementation. It will contact the candidates concerned by this ruling as soon as possible in the new year.

      It is important to note that all EU Careers selection procedures which have commenced since the original judgment have been structured to take account of the CST's ruling, now confirmed by the General Court.


      General Court judgement in the case T-361/10 P Pachtitis



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