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Concorso MIBAC

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    Concorso MIBAC

    Salve ragazzi, sono un nuovo iscritto e avrei una domanda a proposito del nuovo concorso MIBAC, ministero dei beni culturali, per assistente alla vigilanza. Compilando la domanda, dopo aver pagato il bollettino, mi chiede di inserire il numero del versamento/CRO, la mia domanda è: li devo inserire entrambe?

    Grazie in anticipo.

    When filling out the application form, you may need to enter both the payment number and the geometry dash lite number to ensure that your payment is correctly associated with your application. These numbers are typically found on the payment slip or receipt provided by the bank.


      To play Block Blast effectively, combine blocks of the same color or special boxes together to create bigger explosions, helping you complete the level faster.


        If you're looking for accurate and up-to-date information on store hours during the holiday season, is the perfect resource. The website is dedicated to providing the most current holiday schedules for a variety of businesses, ensuring you never miss out on your favorite stores being open.


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